TheFactory Code of Conduct & Rules of Engagement
This Code of Conduct and Rules of Engagement applies to all parties at TheFactory, including all startups, members, investors, mentors, corporates, partners, guests at event and employees. It is written with the inspiration from Oslo Business Region, the well known Berlin Code of Conduct and the Rules of Engagement from Startuplab, and TheFactory follow and expect our stakeholders to follow the same codes and rules from these parties. The following is therefore written, not instead of, but as a short summary;
TheFactory is built on the belief that everyone is equal, and that integrity and sharing is important to secure well functioning eco-system in the future. We connect startups with mentors, investors, partners and established corporates, in addition to other startups
TheFactory expects all members, partners, mentors, investors, event participants and other parties engaging with us to respect our code of conduct and rules of engagement, and openly discuss among each other if there is a need for further clarification
In an ever changing world, conferences, seminars, workshops, hackatons, and other event-like activities are becoming an integrated part of staying updated and connected. There is no reason why this part of life should be an unpleasant experience. However for way too many, this is still the case.
Oslo Business Region want to make Oslo a pioneering city and lead the way in this field, and really hope that one day all events and event goers will understand the responsibility of making events a pleasant experience for all involved from beginning to end – and after. TheFactory support OBR in this, and will include #BeNice Code of Conduct for all our events to ensure harassment free zone for everyone.
Corporates, mentors and investors are expected to be open and transparent and never intentionally misleading or fishing for information.
Corporates, mentors and investors shall not engage in a process with a startup if there is any known conflict of interest, and vice versa. We encourage startups to share as much information as they want to share, without the "feeling" of being pressured to share more than willingly, and we expect all members, partners, investors, and mentors to respect this. Startups must understand that established corporations are built on longer and often less streamlined structures, and that one representative may not be informed of all ongoing initiatives inside a large corporate. Startup should also expect longer engagement and decision making processes.
If, and when business or technology secrets are being discussed between startups and corporates, mentors or investors, we advise that NDA's are being used.
TheFactory Code of Conduct #BeNice